Friday, September 18, 2009

i dont believe it

this is my boy.
today he turns 3.
that's too old.
i don't know if i can bear it.

kavi is a piss ant.
kavi is sweet.
kavi is quirky.
kavi is hilarious.
kavi is sensitive.

kavi is elated about turning 3 today.
that means he got captain crunch for breakfast 
and will get a chocolate cake tonight.

thank you for coming into my life 3 years ago my boy.
you bring me such joy and laughter 
(like peeing my pants laughter.)

i love you kavers.


Annette said...

Oh, Kavi - HaPpY BiRtHdaY you little cutie pie! The Stewarts are missing your little funny self, especially my Readies...Give your mommy, daddy, and PaisleyBear big hugs for us! We love you to pieces little man!!

Molly Bea said...

EHHHHH! We forgot his birthday! I feel so bad, we've been a little out of schedule this last two months...and I still have a week of unpacking! So glad we got to know this munchkin! What a hoot! Love you to you Kavi boy!