our travels included:
14 fast food meals
1 puking baby girl
8+ diet cokes for nana
11 gas stations
counting crows on pandora
1,933.5 miles through 6 states.
from missouri




and finally to

this took us 6 days,
27+ hours of driving,
and we took our time.
during these 6 long days, i couldn't help but think of my ancestors.
the pioneers who crossed this country on foot.
i figured out that my journey would have taken me
26 days and 4 hours on foot.
that's without stopping.
every night i unpacked my van while my mom watched the kids.
i complained about lugging heavy luggage & a portable crib,losing sleep at night in hotel rooms, entertaining my grumpy kids (with modern day technology might i add) and eating gross fast food for 6 days. and all this without a
husband. i felt so sorry for myself.
i'm such a baby.
but we ARE here.
safe and sound.
and i am so grateful.
Amen to that! The pioneers where AMAZING!
I love how you took pictures of every state welcome sign. How fun! Glad you are officially a "california girl" once again.
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